16 Things People Who Dealt with Poverty When They Were Kids Understand
16 Things People Who Dealt with Poverty When They Were Kids Understand
1. Cycling of clothes between all family members
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2. They never had a luxury to choose what to eat
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3. Somethings are only known to them through words of others
4. They had a hard time explaining to their parents when there is a need of buying something for school
5. They had a hard time explaining to their parents when there is a need of buying something for school
6. Trying save money for buying toys that others get easily
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7. Seeing that sad face on their dad's face when he is about to say "We can't afford this"
8. That shock and awe when they went to their richer friends houses
9. "Being spoilt" That's a phrase they don't know
10. Holidays only mean visiting family members in rural areas
11. Those stressful moments in the house when monthly bills are approaching
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12. Not participating in any event that has a fee
13. Seeing their mum's tears all the time
14. They had to grow up faster
15. Summer holidays mean working instead of freedom
But real poverty is...
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+1) Beklentileri düşük olduğu için bi çok ufak şeyde mutlu olabiliyorlar.
yeni alınan kıyafetlerle uyumak. 45 dişli halı sahaları alamamak. en eğlencelisi pazarda su satmak.